Human karyotype

Genetic Entropy, Autism, and the Theory of Evolution

Utterly fascinated by Dr. John Sanford’s recent lecture at the NIH:

Genetic Entropy: Can Gnome Degradation be Stopped?

In the lecture, Sanford explains his study of the amassing gnome data which offers mathematical evidence against the plausibility of the evolution of humans.

Against human evolution? How can that be?

Well, let’s be honest, Darwin (and all the evolutionists before him) had no clue about genetics. He was not a mathematician. His book, On the Origin of Species, was philosophical and conceptual. He studied theology. And, he didn’t like the implications of that the all of humanity shared two common ancestors—Adam and Eve—as described in the biblical text.)

It seems that a lot of what has been accepted and taught as science will need to be rewritten once the work of Dr. John Sanford and others on genetic entropy / gnome degradation is thoroughly evaluated and acknowledged.

Personally, I can’t wait for that to happen. Not only is the theory of evolution is (unavoidably) racist, its acceptance as fact has led to widespread disillusionment and increasing amounts of unethical behavior in scientific fields of study, particularly medicine.

Autism seems to be increasing at an alarming rate. Within my own sphere, four of my close friends have children who are autistic. Four! And it doesn’t seem to be unusually high number, as they tell me about the families that they know who have children on the spectrum. While you can’t make global judgments based on personal experience, personal experience can motivate one to investigate the known data.

Darwin makes an interesting read, and so do his followers. But to teach children (and adults) that humans evolved from chimpanzees is just bad pedagogy. Such practices do not foster attempts at evaulating scientific data objectively, nor does it encourage the uninhibited pursuit of truth.

Humanity suffers when truth is not pursued uninhibited. Dominating schools of thought—whether considered morally conservative or liberal—will get in the way of truth. It’s just human to ignore the data (or even experiences) that might make put us in an uncomfortable position professionally, financially, socially, or philosophically.

Do the math, I always say. But pay attention to who is interpreting the numbers, the data, the facts. Like the human gnome, someone’s “junk” might turn out to be the treasure that sends us all to our knees.


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