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Simone de Beauvoir and the Catholic Church
Given the opportunity, I would have asked Simone de Beauvoir many questions, the first being: Did you ever stop to consider that your Roman Catholic upbringing might have negatively influenced…
Can a Narcissist Love You?
Dealing with a narcissist can be one of the most confusing and painful psychological experiences in one’s life. And if your mother or father was a narcissist (or struggled with…
A Play Within a Play, Methinks
“The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” From the Second Quarto edition of Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Act III, Scene II, spoken by Queen Gertrude in response to Prince Hamlet’s probing question:…
If You Meet the Buddha on the Road…
“If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him.” The Zen Buddhist koan is not an endorsement of murder, of course. Buddhists aren’t suppose to harm any living thing,…
Genetic Entropy, Autism, and the Theory of Evolution
Utterly fascinated by Dr. John Sanford’s recent lecture at the NIH: Genetic Entropy: Can Gnome Degradation be Stopped? In the lecture, Sanford explains his study of the amassing gnome data…
En herbe: Van Gogh to His Sister
De la vue qu’encadrait la fenêtre de sa chambre, il retint le bleu lavande du ciel orageux et des collines et les tons rompus de bleu-vert du champ de blé…